Lorenzo Della Toffola
Lorenzo Della Toffola

The term “squero” derives from the word "squara" which is a group of people or a team working together to build or repair boats. This is what is still done at the squero of San Trovaso, on the homonymous canal, one of the few still in operation in Venice dating back to the seventeenth century. In this typical Venetian shipyard small and medium-sized boats are created and repaired, such as gondolas, pupparini, sandoli, sanpierote, caorline, topi, cofani, sciopòni and other typical lagoon boats. In the Venetian dimension, the building stands out for its architectural characteristic of a mountain house: not only did the carpenters and the timber arrive from Cadore, but also the roof, with its steep slope, was useful both to provide protection from the rain as well as serving as a deposit for the boats. On request, the squero organizes short guided tours, but the core of the business continues to be the creation and repair of gondolas, completely by hand, with traditional methods. Only a couple can be produced per year because it takes months of work and eight different types of wood: true floating works of art.
Squero San Trovaso
Dorsoduro 1097, San Trovaso
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