Francesco Grimaldi
Restoration of Venetian interiors
Francesco Grimaldi
Restoration of Venetian interiors

Francesco Grimaldi, born in 1969, is an all-round restorer, an eclectic craftsman and artist who began his professional career with painting. His mother was a teacher and art scholar linked by a close and great friendship with the Viennese artist Ilse Bernheimer (Vienna 1892 - Venice 1985) who lived and worked in the house for artists of the Tre Oci on the Giudecca. It is here that Francesco became a student as a child and learned from "Aunt Ilse" the basics and visions of painting and general techniques of art and in particular the artistic references of the Viennese secession. After high school art Don Gino Bortolan, director of the diocesan museum of Sant 'Apollonia, who always attended the family and knew Francesco from birth, introducing him at the age of twenty to the restoration workshop of Sant 'Apollonia directed by the master Maximilian Leuthenmayr, specializing in wood restoration and awarded the Torta prize and other important awards for restoration. Immediately there was a strong bond between Maximilian and Francesco, initially to learn the techniques to be used in the paintings and at the same time with his studies in architecture, Francesco became a close collaborator of his master in 1991, and in 1999 he became the owner of the workshop, the one that Leuthenmayr passed to his pupil, giving him continuity. In over thirty years of experience, he has acquired a profound knowledge of all the ancient techniques useful for the restoration of cultural heritage, working on wooden works, panels, canvases, frescoes, stone elements and entire facades and buildings. Now he masters the methods and processes of marble, plaster, marble and stucco; the binders, pigments, tempera, styles and methods of wood carving, inserted into the new techniques and methodologies become language and life. He is a craftsman who works in art and makes art, he is particularly skilled in the management of polychromy, using ancient techniques such as casein (milk protein), egg tempera and oil as binders for pigments bolo, a compound of fat clay and fine used in gouache gilding, one of the oldest and most difficult techniques used since 1200 by great Italian and European artists. In architecture he knows and uses techniques from masonry to marmorino finishes; an enormous wealth of skill and expertise used both in the restoration of movable (transportable) and immovable cultural heritage (buildings and works directly on site), he develops projects of expertise and follows and directs construction sites and the various workers, never forgetting the painting companion of a lifetime.
San Marco 3985
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