Davide Pusiol
Davide Pusiol

Davide Pusiol defines himself as "Beatle-mania's lover since the age of 5" growing up next to the need to play guitar. Guitars are his " lifelong partners" and at the beginning he only plays and collects them (Martin, Les Pauls, Strats) but later, always looking for the "best" instrument, he decides he wants to learn how to build them. First he learns to disassemble, modify, repair and repaint them meticulously, learning their construction secrets and bringing them to their original splendor. Later he began building his own copies of "Strato, Tele and Les Paul" from zero, right up to his first acoustic guitar. " Since 15 years I play much less and I dedicate myself exclusively to the construction of customized instruments, using only the best woods and hardware. I don't have clients but friends, and I bring my whole story and music to every instrument that leaves my hands, and it remains mine, even if it passes into other good hands ..."
Castello 5792 - Calle del Mondo Novo
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