Dissegna Vini
Dissegna Vini

In the area between Veneto and Friuli, a territory where the viticulture has a long and well-known tradition, is located the Dissegna farm: founded in 1925 thanks to grandfather Antonio’s passion, the farm has been passed on from father to son up until the present wise leadership of Francesco. From 1998 the farm has enriched its offer, adding to the typical wines of the venetian tradition, such as tocai, merlot, cabernet and verduzzo, other excellent wines such as sauvignon, pinot grigio, chardonnay, raboso, refosco and prosecco. Furthermore, from 2006, the farm has been following the biological cultivation method for the entire production process, from the collection to the wine production. Rigorous professionalism, wish for authenticity and love for the environment represent the driving force of this company, which is proud of using exclusively solar energy for its needs from 2010, therefore having an environmental impact that is close to zero. Dissegna is at the same time synonym of tradition and innovation, of respect for the environment and well-advanced production, and of continuous search for quality at nature's rhythm.
Via M.P.L. Zovatto, 15 32020 Loncon di Annone Veneto
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