Fallani Venezia: the Art of Screen Printing

Since 1968, the Fallani Venezia screen printing workshop has been producing exceptional fine art prints, keeping this technique thriving thanks to Giampaolo Fallani's dedication and entrepreneurial spirit. Inherited from his father Fiorenzo, who founded the workshop, Giampaolo has continued to elevate the craft, creating prints with an ever-increasing number of artists from all over the world.

Serigraphy is a versatile and dynamic printing technique that involves well-defined steps. It starts with a frame, made of wood or metal, inside of which a permeable silk or nylon fabric is laid out, well stretched and, if necessary, well cleaned with water if it has already been used (it is not necessary to change the fabric each time). Through a photomechanical process, the image to be printed is transferred onto the frame, creating a negative matrix in which the meshes of the fabric where the ink must not pass will be closed, while those through which the colour must pass during printing remain open. During printing, a squeegee with a rubber blade is used to squeeze the ink from one side of the frame to the other and it passes through the small holes formed by the meshes of the fabric and is deposited on our sheet. The colour is spread by means of an instrument called a "racla" or squeezer, consisting of a handle to which a rubber blade is attached. Squeezing the ink with the racla on the frame, it passes through the small holes in the fabric left open by the emulsion and is deposited on the sheet of paper. To obtain the different colour and tonal effects, it is necessary to work with several passages of different colours and with the use of more or less transparent inks to recreate a sort of illusion of 'softness' for the eye looking at the final result. This results in richly coloured prints with various textures and depths.

The technique, while rooted in ancient methods, has been evolved by contemporary craftsmen, who have transformed screen printing from a reproduction tool into a refined and artistic technique that allows artists to create works with colour, plastic and even tactile effects. This evolution has made screen printing a method sought after by young contemporary artists, painters, sculptors, photographers, illustrators, street artists and graphic designers.

Visitors to Fallani Venezia can immerse themselves in the world of screen printing by participating in one of the many workshops on offer. These sessions offer the opportunity to discover, understand and learn screen printing techniques, for everyone from beginners to advanced levels. Under the guidance of Giampaolo and his team, participants engage in hands-on learning, bringing their creativity and artistic skills to life.

As Giampaolo says: "The processes depend mainly on the sensitivity and competence of the screen printer. There are no exclusive methods, but it is the person who makes the difference."

Whether you are an art lover or an artist, visiting the Fallani atelier offers a unique opportunity to explore an ancient craft.

For those who cannot visit in person, a selection of silkscreens is available online at veniceoriginal.it. Each piece is a testament to the skill, creativity and heritage that Giampaolo Fallani and his workshop represent.

Join us in celebrating and preserving the art of traditional craftsmanship. Visit Fallani Venezia, participate in a workshop or discover the beautiful screen prints online to bring a piece of Venetian art into your home.

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